Feeding Guide

Try our feeding calculator
Find out how much to feed your pet

Recommended daily feeding:

{{calculator.resultDecimalOz|number:1}} ounce{{calculator.resultDecimalOz > 1 ? 's' : ''}} of food per DAY

{{calculator.resultDecimalOz|number:1}} gram{{calculator.resultDecimalOz > 1 ? 's' : ''}} of food per DAY

due to individual variances in pet metabolism and activity levels, this number should be used as a guideline only
*Note* We have 2 patty sizes
1/2 lb patty (8oz)
1/4 lb patty (4oz)

Contact Us
3185 Theatre Road,
Cranbrook, BC V1C 7B8

Telephone: (250) 417-0487
Email: info@petsgoraw.ca